Thursday, March 29, 2012

Poetry Madness

Poetry Madness: Let the Games Begin! During March, the best college basketball teams vie for the National Title. In order to be the best, each team must state their case by playing the best, scoring the most, and ultimately advancing to the next round. To create a sense of poetry madness in our room and celebrate poetry, we will read a bracket (2 poems) each evening and advance a class winner the following day. However, like the basketball tournament, we must use specific criteria to judge a poem: meaning, poet's craft (rhyme, line breaks, punctuation, simile/metaphor, word choice, repetition), ability to visualize, and your personal connection. Each night you will answer the following 3 questions about the poems you have read. 1. What is the meaning of the first poem? (Summarize in one sentence) 2. What is the meaning of the second poem? (Summarize in one sentence) 3. Based on the criteria, which poem did you choose and WHY? ***Please tell me everything you think, but use your best writing. Tonight please read Game 1 and choose your favorite.


JM said...

Poem Number 1/Life doesn't frighten me is a story about someone who is not afraid of ANYTHING, I liked the poem because it entertained me. Poem Number 2/Mother to Son is about a woman who persevered through life and is telling her son that he will have to preserver trough life too, I enjoyed this poem because it was very meaningful.

I like Mother to Son better because it showed more emotion.I also liked Mother to Son better because it had more detail to it.

JM said...

Poem Number 1/Life doesn't frighten me is a story about someone who is not afraid of ANYTHING, I liked the poem because it entertained me. Poem Number 2/Mother to Son is about a woman who persevered through life and is telling her son that he will have to preserver trough life too, I enjoyed this poem because it was very meaningful.

I like Mother to Son better because it showed more emotion.I also liked Mother to Son better because it had more detail to it.

ST said...

1. The first poem is about a kid who is not afraid of anything in Life. 2. The second poem is about a boy and his mother is telling him don't go back just keep going. I chose "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" because I could visualize what the examples were and what was happening. It was easy to visualize the 1 poem but, "Motherand Son" was hard to visualize for me.

CW said...

Poetry Maddness

I thought both poems were great and one poem,"Mother to Son" was about a mother who was telling her son to perservere through hard times. I remember those words as when life gives you lemons you make lemonade! The next poem, "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" was from a boys perspecive of his life and even when life is difficult it still does not make him not frightened and to never let go in believe in himself. No matter what is the circumstance he is never at all frightened.

I chose "Mother to Son" because I could really picture my mom saying the last part of the poem. Also, even thought it was short it was really a good poem. I thought it was a good poem because when the writter said, Life ain't no crystal stair, I automatically knew it meant,life is not always easy.I could really relate to that because everyone even me has had some troubles in their life. I loved both poems but I liked "Mother to Son" best.

AG said...

poem 1: mother to son:
It tells me that life isn't always the easiest, and that there are always a bump along the road.

poem 2: life doesn't frighten me:
This poem tells me that the person's life isn't that scary to her.

I chose "Mother to Son" because it says something that is really cool to me , " Its had tacks in it" meaning that... The mother doesn't want her son's life to be perfect and she doesn't want it to be the worst. The mother wants her son to be able to go through the obstacals in life, and face his fears.

RC said...

"Mother to Son" Mother to Son is about a mom telling his son that her life has not been perfect, and she doesn't want him to go through what she had to.

"Life doesn't frighten me at all" is about a kid who doesn't get scared, because he has faith that everything is going to be all right.

I chose, "Mother to Son because I could really infer what she was talking about, and I felt like I could visualize the characters.

Mmorris said...

''Mother to Son'' is about telling her son that her life has not been a crystal stair, and that his should be.

''Life Doesn't Frighten me'' is about a person telling that nothing frightens him at all, and he list the things that do not frighten him.

I choose ''Mother to Son.'' I choose this poem because it is more meaningful than the other poem. I also like this poem better because it was not just listing things over and over again, and the other poem was.

NV said...

The poem, "Mother To Son" is about a mother telling her son that life has been hard for her. The poem, " Life Doesn't Frighten me is about a person talking about what doesn't frighten him/her.I chose " Mother To Son" because I felt like that could relate to all of us having struggles in our lives

M morris said...

''Mother to Son'' is about a mom who does not have a crystal stair life, and hopes her son doesn't turn back.

''Life Doesn't Frighten Me'' is about a person who list all of the things that do not frighten him and that nothing frightens him.

I choose ''Mother to Son.'' I choose this poem because it is more meaningful than the other poem. I also choose this poem because the other poem was just listing things over and ove, and this poem is not.

IL said...

II think Mother to Son is about how life is hard for people, but they have to push through and not give up to make it better.

I also think Life Doesn’t Frighten Me is about someone who feels they are big and brave and they are not scared of anybody or anything which makes me laugh because I used to say that I was not scared of anything except… (then I would list a bunch of things.)

I like Mother to Son best because I can relate to the connection of being the person with someone they care about going through a hard time, and myself going through a hard time also.

bm said...

life dosn't frighten me by Maya Angelou

in this poem the kid is telling you nothing scares but at the end of te story he say's it's in his dream's at the end and he also has a charm he keep's in his sleeve.

mother and son by langston hughes

this poem is about a kid's mother telling him that life hard and it will just get harder and never turn back.

I chosse life dosn't frighten me by Maya Angelou because to me the poem is like a story and I just love it so much

IL said...

II think Mother to Son is about how life is hard for people, but they have to push through and not give up to make it better.

I also think Life Doesn’t Frighten Me is about someone who feels they are big and brave and they are not scared of anybody or anything which makes me laugh because I used to say that I was not scared of anything except… (then I would list a bunch of things.)

I like Mother to Son best because I can relate to the connection of being the person with someone they care about going through a hard time, and myself going through a hard time also.

Anonymous said...


"Mother to Son" is about a mother that doesn't have a crystal stair life, and she's trying to explain that life isn't always easy.

"Life doesn't frighten me" is about someone who isn't afraid of life, and he lists some of the things that don't frighten him.

I chose "Life doesn't frighten me." I chose this poem because I think it's more entertaining than "Mother to Son." I got the message of the second poem, but it was a different kind of poem, and I preferred the first one.

SH said...

In Life Doesn't Frighten Me, I inferred that the storyteller was in fact a child who was not afraid of the many hardships of life.

Mother To Son was an experienced mother's perspective on living life, and that one has to keep on working to reach a happy life.

Personally, I liked Mother To Son, because there was a great use of poet's craft. I also think that perhaps the two stories are alike.

KH said...

1:Life Doesn't Frighten Me

This poem is about a kid who says she's not afraid of anything.

2:Mother to Son

This poem is about a mom telling her son about how life isn't perfect and will always be hard.

My favorite is Mother to Son because it is so much more meaningful and is sweet and sad.

william said...

The first one Life Doesn't Frighten Me, was about a kid that was not afraid of anything, it was really a good poem. The second poem Mother to Son was about the mom telling the son that life isn't easy for her at all.

I have to pick Mother to Son to be my favorite because to me it was more fun to read.

KCL said...

1. Life doesn't frighten me is about not being afraid of anything, saying you can do anything.

2.Mother and Son is about a Mother that has gone through struggles in her life, and she's telling her son to be careful in life.

I choose the poem "Mother and Son", because it has more emotion than "Life doesn't frighten me" doesn't have as much.

JT said...

"Mother to Son" is about a mother telling her son about how to keep persevering in life, even when it gets tough.

"LIfe Doesn't Frighten Me" is about a girl telling about how she is not afraid of anything in life.

I liked "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" because I understand what it feels like to be afraid. This poem taught me that you can push away your fears and be happy.

LM said...

1: Life doesn't frighten me is a poem about a little girl who seems sassy, and says that she is not afraid of anything that you can be afraid of. I didn't like this one as much because to me it did not have a meaning or a purpose.

2: Mother to Son is about a poor mother telling her son that in your life not everything is easy,and that there will be ups and downs and that he will need to preserve through those hard times.

I like Mother to Son better because she is telling him to persevere through those tough times and that life is not easy.

R.H said...

"Life Doesn't Frighten Me" is about a girl (Maya Angelou) who lists all the things that doesn't frighten her in her life.

"Mother To Son" is about a mom telling her son that there a good things and bad things that are going to happen in his life.

I like "Mother To Son" because it relates to me. I also liked it because it had more detail than "Life Doesn't Scare Me". Mother To Son had a lot of feeling and tension in it. This poem taught me that there are going to be bumps in the road, but you need to preserver through them.

MB said...

Mother to Son is about a mother telling her son to keep going ever when it is tough and when thing are not as easy as you though.

Life Doesn't Frighten Me is a about a person who isn't scared anything and has a magic charm up the person's sleeve.

I thought they both were awesome poems, but I liked Life Doesn't Frighten Me the most. I enjoyed it more, because I loved how it flowed and rhymed. I also did not like how Mother and Son used a lot of words like ain't. Those words just didn't make it flow and rhyme as well as Life Doesn't Frighten Me.

Davis #1 said...

"Life Doesn’t Frighten Me"
Nothing frightens her, no matter what she sees, or what happens to her, and there is nothing to be afraid of in life.

"Mother to Son"
Life isn’t always easy, you can’t quit when it gets hard, and you can’t sit down during tough times.

I liked "Mother to Son", because I thought it was more interesting. I also though it had a bit more meaning, and I can relate to it too. "Mother to Son" also had some interesting slang talk. I also liked that the author made the meaning clear, and it wasn’t a poem that was really confusing. "Mother to Son" has a great meaning; when going through a hard time, don’t give up and sit down, keep on going up the stairs, even if they aren’t crystal clear steps.

SQ said...

Mother to son is a great poem about a mother who has to push through and perservere in life. Life Doesn't Frighten Me is about a boy who fears nothing in life.

I chose Mother to son because it has a lot more detail and emotions and I understand it very well.

MM said...

I think "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" is about someone who is very risk taking and is not afraid of anything the world throws at them.

I also think that "Mother to Son" is about a mother telling her son that in her point of veiw life has been hard for her, but she has still perservered through it and is telling him to do so too.

I like "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" the best because I like how it descripts different objects in life that don't scare the person explaining that these objects,and I can relate to some of the things this person isn't scared of.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Jenkins
The first poem is about a mom who tells her son that life can be hard but not to be scared.
The second poem is about someone who is not afraid of anything.
I liked Mother To Son the best. I liked it the best because a mom is teaching her son what life is about. I thought that this was a good message. From Ryan

CCPG said...

Poem number 1: Life Doesn't Frighten Me is about someone who isn't afraid of anything what so ever, and can deal with anything in life.
Poem number 2: Mother To Son is about a mother who went through a tough time, but persevered through the struggles, and told her son that life is not easy, but you can't turn back.
I choose Mother to son, because it has a better meaning and more emotion. It also made me infer so I could understand the poem better.

jhl said...

I think "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" is about a person that doesn't care about what happens to him because he is not afraid of life.

I think "Mother To Son" is about a mom telling her son that life is not easy and she is saying that life is like splinters but she has been moving on. And she is saying life may be hard but do not give up.

I liked "life doesn't frighten me because it tells how nothing scares him and he can handle life with no fear.
By:john Hyde

Anonymous said...

Choosing shoes is about a girl who is most likely at a shoe store and she is telling about all the different kinds of shoes that there are to choose from. The other poem, Some one, is about someone who is knocking on the door of a house and then the person who lives at the house open the door to find nothing except for a beetle tapping on the wall and an owl that is hooting from the woods.
I chose Some One because because I thuoght that it was mysterious and plus I hate shopping for shoes.tnobar