Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is a Reading Community Anyway?


In my readerly life, I noticed that I have a hunger for good literature that goes far beyond just reading books. In fact, when I finish a book (or even in the middle of a book) I feel the urge to talk to someone about what I am reading. Much to his dismay, my husband is often the person I speak with about the books I read because he is the one who is usually around. But I also pick up the phone and call a friend or share ideas with fellow teachers. And sometimes, I simply feel so strongly about what I read that I absolutely have to share with loads and loads of people. Blogging helps me share my thinking with people who have the same reading interest or ideas - or maybe even have different ones - and who are not in my immediate circle of people around me.

In the online world, blogging helps us connect with other readers and share our ideas about literature through writing and posting for all the world to see. In this online Reading Community, we can post about anything relating to literature. It's a forum for us to share book ideas with other readers, and also to reflect on our reading. For example, we are reading Lily's Crossing and have developed strong feelings about Lily and the main character. We also have learned more about some struggles families faced during World War II. This blog would be a place to ask questions about those struggles and Lily and reflect back on what we have read.

But this is not the best part! Blogging also allows us to respond to another person's post. So, let's say that you read a reflection about Lily and her fear of her father leaving her during WWII. You, as a fellow reader and blogger, can respond to my thoughts. This gives us a way to communicate without being in the same room. There is no test or wrong answer when sharing your ideas - courage and knowledge of the text are the only requirements.

So, join the community! Come on in, pull up a computer, let me know your thoughts about literature. Read my post and reply back to me. You never know what you'll discover about your own readerly life.