Each new year, two of my cyber-mentors challenge teachers to find their One Little Word (OLW). The OLW is one word that will represent, or symbolize, the year ahead. The word should be personal and thoughtful. My mentors spend weeks thinking about their OLW, making sure they select a word that will really guide them through the year ahead, keeping them focused and giving clarity to their lives.
I have thought a great deal about my OLW. For 2012, I selected "honor" as my One Little Word. I selected "honor" because I want to spend more time honoring what is important to me and others. I need this word to remind me to honor the differences and talents of my peers. Honor also reminds me to honor the time for my family and not waste on unimportant habits. Honor can apply to my life in so many ways - through friends, work, my students, my family, and myself. I will use this word to guide me through the days of 2012.
What is your One Little Word? How does this word apply to your life? How can you use your OLW to guide your year? Comment to this post with your OLW, and examples of how you can use your OLW this year. Here is a list of possible words to help you.
OLW: Honor
I selected "honor" because I want to spend more time honoring what is important to me and others. I need this word to remind me to honor the differences and talents of my peers. Honor also reminds me to honor the time for my family and not waste on unimportant habits. Honor can apply to my life in so many ways - through friends, work, my students, my family, and myself. I will use this word to guide me through the days of 2012.
I picked "Forgive" as my word because I want to remember to forgive when somebody hurts me. I want to use this word to remind me to forgive when some body does something to hurt or damage me or my feelings. Forgive also reminds me to forgive somebody when they mess up or make a mistake. I will use this word a lot through the days and weeks of 2012.
I picked "sportsmanship" because I play a lot sports and if you play a sport you have to be a good sport and sports are important to me and a lot of other people. You can think of sportsmanship as respectful too. After a game of any sport you shake hands with the other team and that shows respect. I will use sportsmanship in 2012 and through out my life.
OLW: Help
I selected Help because helping friends, family, and Teachers, or just anyone is something I would love to do to and with others. Help also reminds me not to think about myself, and what I want and what I think I need. I use this wrd to guide me through the days of 2012
OWL: Cherish
I selected the word "cherish" because I want to cherish my time with others. This word helps remind me that I should cherish all the great moments God has made. Cherish also reminds me to cherish the new friendships in live, and the old. Cherish can help me through school, friendships, my family, and time.I hope this word will help through the days of 2012.
I selected "breathe" because when I am in those
harsh moments I need to take a deep breath and breathe. When I take a deep breath it feels calm and peaceful, also I feel like I can start over and make things right.
OLW: helpful
I selected helpful because I want to go around helping people and stick up for them. And be helpful with my family. And help my family pick up around the house.
I need to always remember to go help somebody if they need help.
My one little word is appreciate , this word would help guide me in life because it would help me stop and appreciate what god has given us and what I already have .I need this word so that I can appreciate what is given to me . It also reminds me to give more than receive and to know how much I have and see what I can do to help people if they are poor.
I chose "accomplish" because I want to accomplish more things than I have in the past. I need to remember this word for me to know finish the things you start. Accomplish also reminds me to get things done, because it makes me feel good when I get work and other things done. Now that doesn't mean I need to rush, it just helps me focus on what is supposed to be done. Accomplishing can apply in life mostly in work and other activities.This word will help direct me in the new year ahead of 2012.
OLW: Joy
I chose "joy" because I feel i can always spend more time making people feel joyful, instead of doing something worthless. My life needs this one little word to keep me going every day. Joy can help me in so many ways, like if someone is sad or lonely, i can cheer them up by spreading joy, or if someone is angry at someone else, i can remind them to,instead of making things worse with anger, replace that feeling with joy, and make everyone else around you just a little bit happier. Joy is something that can rule the world, if we use it correctly. I will, and hope other people will, use joy to help others, and themselves, be leaders throughout the year of 2012, and the rest of their lives.
I picked "patient" because I need to be patient with others and their ideas. I also picked this word because I often talk over others, and I know it would remind me to not do that.It will help me to be a better friend and person.
OLW: Believe
I selected "believe" because I am going to believe that my cousin will make it no matter what happens this year. I also believe that my mom will keep on having faith in my aunt, and that my aunt and my mom will not give up believing. I also need this word to not stop believing that a hard time like this will be over before the end of 2012 though it feels like it will never be over. I will use this word as my goal through 2012.
I selected "kind" I want to be more kind to others. If people are has been mean to you, you just need to be kind to them, and they will be kind to you. I need this word stuck in my head because I need to be more kind. I need to remember to be kind to friends, family, adults, and even maybe people I dont know. This I going to my goal for this new year 2012!!!!!
OLW: worship
I chose worship because I want to worship god all I can. This word can help me through 2012 because I can remember that god is always with me I can talk with him and he will listen.I could use worship when I am scared,angry, or feeling down.Sometimes I get angry when somebody treats me un-kindly. I felt sad when I had to put Snowy, my cat down.
My word is "believe" because if you don't believe you can reach your goals then you wont try, and if you believe more then you have a better chance of reaching your goals. You can also inspire people by believing in them so they also have a better chance of reaching their goals
OLW: Can
Some things are hard. And sometimes I want to give up, but I have to say I can. The word can applies a lot in my life. Whether it's homework, sports, play practice, and in school. That small word means a lot more to me, than it probably does to most people.
There is One Little Word, that I think that welcomes people. The actual word is actually "welcome". It is not the kind where the attendants say, "Welcome to the Hilton Hotel!" It's the kind of welcome that you should let somebody in to your heart. Someone who feels lonely, and is never played with should be welcomed into your heart. Everybody is guilty of not welcoming somebody into their heart. A common example is when you see a person sitting in a corner, while you have a close circle of friends around you. If you see the person, you don't nessesarily have to become best friends, but just a simple gesture of welcoming goes a long way. I will strive to make this happen in 2012.
My word is "believe" because if you don't believe you can reach your goals then you wont try to do it. If you believe more, then you have a better chance of reaching your goals. You can also inspire people by believing in them so they also have a better chance of reaching their goals
OLW: Trust
I chose "trust" because I want to trust that God will take care of everything. He knows what's best for everyone. Sometimes when I'm in bed I worry about what's going to happen the next day, but I need to remember that God is always in control. I also want to trust that what my parents say is truly the best thing.
OLW: discover
I think discover is a good OLW because I need to try new things and discover things because I haven't branched out with other things. Examples are food, activities, etc. I just stay what I know. Now I come out out of the shadows this year.
I selected humble as my word because I wanted to be more humble in sports, tasks, and everyday life activities. I also thought humble is a good word because I need to work a little bit on being humble after Auburn played well , winning a game, or getting a task done well. I think this word will also help me with my relationship with God. That's the reason I picked Humble as my "OLW".
I have selected “goal” because I like achieving goals that I have set for myself.
I need to remind me to try my best at everything I do.
When I complete a goal, it makes me feel accomplished.
For example, every time I finish a book I feel very proud
Of myself, and it makes me want to set another goal for me.
Goals relate to my life in so many ways- through camps, guitar,
school, homework, and many more. I will use this word to guide
me through the days of 2012.
OLW: Thoughtfulness
I picked ''Thoughtfulness'' because I sometimes put myself first and others last. This word will remind me that I need to think of others and respect their opinions! Also having thoughtfulness will change me as a person in a good way and change what my friends think of me. I need this word to guide me through this year and life!!!!!!
OLW: help
I chose the word help as my One Little Word because I want to help others by being kind to my friends and sisters, helping the sick, hurt, homeless and those in poverty, and anyone else. Help is important and if no one helped anyone else, then not many things would turn out OK and many people would turn out to be sick, hurt, homeless, and poor. Help also fits in with many other words, such as love, kindness, safety, and there are lots others. I think every one who can should do what is possible to help others.
OLW: Helpful
I chose the word "Helpful" because in this new year I would like to be helpful to others. Maybe even encourage my friends and family to help also. I look forward to going to food drives, delivering food baskets, and at church praying for others and their struggles. Helping others can help me in so many ways...when I do something to help someone I always feel so good and I also feel like a whole new person once I do something so great and helpful.
My one little word is curious. I picked it because I have a lot of questions that haven't been answered. My goal this year is to find out more of the questions by thinking deeper and help by teachers. In my family, I didn't get to know everybody back with my grandparents. So, my sister and I look in their wedding books or ask my grandparents about them. So that is my one little word.
OWL: leadership
I picked the word leadership because my dad has always wanted me to be a leader and I really want to grow up to be a leader. One of the ways I think I could be a better leader is by persevering. I also think I could be a better leader by accomplishing these obstacles being a better friend, being a good sport, doing the right thing, and being more respectful and polite. I want to see myself succeed in these expectations in 2012.
I picked patience because I want to remind myself that everyone won't do things the way I do and to be patient with them and their way. I need this word to remind me to take a deep breath if I am very busy or if my sister of someone is irritating me. Patience also reminds me to give people second chances and be patient with them if they don't get or understand something the first time. Patience can apply in my life in so many ways- in my family, with friends, activities, sports, school, and me. I will remind myself of this word when I am getting inpatient in the days of 2012!
I pick" try" as my little word because I want my self to try to do my best on everything. I picked "try"because after I tried I would see how I did and then I would think what my grade would be if I didn't try. I picked this word because it meansthat you should try when something is hard and when you try you push through the hard moments of your life. I will use this word to guide my through the year of 2012.
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