For a moment, reflect back to all of the books we have read together this year. Fireflies, Hurricane, The Snowy Day, Smoky Night - just to name a few. In each of these books, the best moments are those full of tension. We hold our breath hoping and expecting each characters' problem will be resolved, but we know the problems are complicated and difficult. We wait for the resolution, knowing problems are never resolved easily. These tense moments are the reason we love reading, and why Reading Alive is so easy and powerful.
Remember that rubber band I showed you? It was stretched out tight; as tight as it could go before snapping. You all had your eyes locked on that rubber band, anticipating and wondering what will happen next. Will she let it go? Will it snap? Will it fly across the room wildly, breaking something? Will it hurt someone? You waited patiently, knowing something would happen, and that consequences would likely follow.
When we are in the tensest moments in our books, we know something big will happen. The main character will make big choices. A big surprise will occur. Or the main character will behave in the most surprising and unexpected way. Like that rubber band, we wait, knowing something big is coming, and will be followed by big consequences.
Think about your independent reading book. What tensions exist in your book? Most likely they involve your main character. Briefly write about one or two tensions in your book. Then, write about what you infer from these tensions. I posted an example response using Buffalo Knife.
Book: The Buffalo Knife
Main Character: Andy
One tension in The Buffalo Knife is when Andy loses his knife. He received a special knife from his Uncle Aswell and when he sets out on his journey on a flatboat, he notices the knife is missing.
I infer that Andy feels very ashamed and embarrassed. He knows he is young, but resents that people do not think he is old enough for more dangerous adventures. He hates that he is treated like a young boy. So, when he loses his knife, he is actually proving what everyone else already knows about him - that he is not old enough to handle responsibility.
Another tension in The Buffalo Knife is...
This makes me infer...
Book: Rock and Rule
main character: Diana
one of the tensions in the book Rock and Rule is when Diana has to decided between lying to her dad and not getting in trouble or telling the truth but getting punished.
I infer that Diana is torn between the to choices and that she might choose to lie. I bet she fells irresponsible and ashamed. She probably is feel sad and mad.
Another tension in this book is when Diana's friend Nelson can either help Diana and keep her secret or tell Diana's dad and get her in trouble.
I infer that Nelson will help keep Diana's secret because earlier in the series Diana kept Nelsons secret. I also infer that Nelson is probably torn between the decision.
Book: Double Fake
Main Charactor: Calvin and Zero(Zack)
One tension in my book Double Fake is when Calvin and Zero want to know if they are going to be on the same soccer team thet they tried out for.
I infer that I think the Zero and Calvin are very nervous and anxious to know what team they are going to be on.They aren't sure if they will be on the Little Italy team, the Eastern Division,or the Western Division. They aren't sure if they are going to be on different teams or the same. They aren't so sure if they are going to know anyone who is on their team or not.
Another tension in Double Fake is they aren't sure if they will be on the Little Italy team, the Eastern Division,or the Western Division.
This makes me infer that they are very afraid and extra nervous and scared.
Book:The Night I Flunked My Feild Trip
Main Character:Hank
One tension in my book is when Hank forget to bring his permission slip for his feild trip. He was supposed to bring his slip today but he didn't! What will he do?
I infer that Hank is feeling embarressed, mad, anxious, and worried.I also think that he knows he is older, but knows that people think that he is acting younger because he is being not responsible.
One other tension is my book is when Hank cant find anyone to go get his permission slip for him. His mom is at a party and his dad is in another city! Who will go get his slip for him?
I infer that Hank is feeling worried, scared, and sad.He does not want to miss this feild trip! How could he have forgot it!
Book:The Night I Flunked My Feild Trip
Main Character:Hank
One tension in my book is when Hank forget to bring his permission slip for his feild trip. He was supposed to bring his slip today but he didn't! What will he do?
I infer that Hank is feeling embarressed, mad, anxious, and worried.I also think that he knows he is older, but knows that people think that he is acting younger because he is being not responsible.
One other tension is my book is when Hank cant find anyone to go get his permission slip for him. His mom is at a party and his dad is in another city! Who will go get his slip for him?
I infer that Hank is feeling worried, scared, and sad.He does not want to miss this feild trip! How could he have forgot it!
main character: Jeff and Bradley
One tension in my book is that Jeff is the new kid and he accadintly walked in the girls bathroom and there's a girl in the bathroom.
Infer that the girls will make fun of him and get made fun of for along time and Bradly said I walk in there a ton to make them scearm He said that to make him cheer up.
Another tension is bradley gets made fun of.
When jeff came to school on the first day of school he had to find a spot the teather said sorry the only other spot I can see is next to bradley sorry.
One tension in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,is that there is a sad case of these mysterious murders that keep happening. The client, Helen's sister is one of the victims. Helen is wondering if it's the gypsies of West St. Catchpole of West Surrey are doing it. I infer that Helen is very rich, because she has all of these police working for her. Even though she has the whole town's police working for her, I belive that she is also determined to find by herself, because she saw it happen. The problem is, she is so scared!
Book: Clementine
Main Caracter(s): Clementine and Margaret
One tension is that Margaret keeps getting things stuck in her hair. So she always has to cut what is stuck in her hair out with scissors alone, in the bathroom.
I Infer that she feels very stressed and mad at herself for cutting her hair. She knows that next time she gets something stuck in her hair, she will get in more trouble. Her mom is probably going to get very mad next time she gets something stuck in her hair. Because she's probably tired of cleaning out Margaret's hair about every week. Her mom is probably mad too that Margaret can not stop getting things stuck in her hair. So I do not think Margaret will not try to do it again.
Extra: Clementine tries solving the problem, but it does not work.
Book:Harry Potter yr. 6
MC:Harry Potter
One tension in my book is when Harry uses the Sectumsempra spell on Draco Malfoy. He got the spell from an old written-on potion book that had good potion revisions and random spells on it.
The Sectumsempra spell gives you many cuts that bleed terribly. I think it is a terrible spell and so did Harry. I discovered Harry hated that spell after that because he got detention every Saturday , and that meant he missed Quiddich practice and matches and that is his favorite thing to do.
Dear Mrs. Jenkins,
The tense moments in my right now are...
Clarice Bean is trying to solve a mystery of the missing trophy.
Clarice is trying to save her partner from being disqualified from the book exhibit competition. The teacher assumes it was karl (her partner). From all the other bad things he has done to make the teacher think that he stole the trophy.
Clarice is trying to prove the teacher wrong that he didn't do it, because he didn't. Clarice is trying to see who might have done it. Then they could finish their project.
Book: The Lost Hero
Main Character: I chose Piper
In my book Piper is chaseing Meadas around in an appartment store. Meadas is about to throw a potion at Pier but before she could Piper threw her sheild at her and Meadas fell down into a pile of potions. Then when Piper was about to leave Meadas said," You will never survive without me so save me while you have the chance!" But Piper saw the grin on Meadas'face so she hopped on Festus' back and went away.
I was suprised when Piper didn't save Meadas because I thought that Piper would save Meadas in order to survive. But she made a smart choice and didn't save Meadas and still survived.
Book: Day of the Iguana
The book is about a boy about my age who has learning diffrences. Hank is very kind andcreative person.
One of my tensions are when Hank's sister's Iguana is going to lay eggs in Hank's cable box. Hank has to get the box fixed before his father gets home in one hour!! I infer that his sister is annoying and he is very stressed because he thinks he will not be able to get the box fixed before his dad gets home from work. What will he do?
Another tension is when he and his friends magic team were invited to a twins birthday party to perform some magic tricks for the kids. His friend,Frankie said that he would only go if Hank taped a film he had been wating for since he was born. Hank promised he would tape it for him. So they all went to the party and did the tricks. Frankie said, "lets watch the movie Hank!" So they went to the TV to watch the movie.It terns out he taped the wrong film. Frankie got VERY mad and would not talk to Hank any more that day. I infer that He was embarrassed and ashamed because he taped the wrong thing. I think Hank is worried that Frankie would not be friends with him ever again.
HH said...
Book: Harry Potter 2
Main Character: Harry
One tension is that harry keeps getting in trouble magic wise for stuff that he didn't do! This little green guy named Dobby came and visited him and did magic from his house, so he was blamed for doing magic in the real world!!!!!!!!!
I infer that Harry is not going to last very longer, and all his tension will snap! He would stop keeping stuff to himself because no wizard would believe him. He would tell the school what actully happened!
Book: Percy Jackson and The Titans Curse
Main Characters: Percy and Bianca
One tension in my book, is when Percy and Bianca are debating who will risk their life to save their friends. While fighting a 100 foot robot, Percy realizes that someone is going to have to sacrifice themself for the others to live.
I infer that Percy and Bianca care about each other and neither wants the other to die. This is why Bianca sacrificed herself and ran in front of Percy to destroy the robot.
One of the tensions in the book Geek Chic is when Zoey tries to fit in with the popular people, but they think Zoey is to geeky and weird and not pretty. So Zoey puts on a hat that day of school. Her mom thinks she's beautiful the way she is.
I infer that she feels sad that she doesn't have a lot of friends, and the popular people are making fun of her. When her Mom said she's perfect the way she is I bet she feels happy!
Book: Lost Hero
Main Character: Varies characters: Chosen: Leo
Leo has always been a runaway. His mom: Esperanza Valdez, Died in an explosion in a machine shop. EVERYBODY thinks he's "different." He keeps Going away from foster homes sooner or later. Then a boarding school keeps him from running. Then comes Camp Half-Blood. All the sudden a quest appears with his friend Jason. He accepts right away. He starts blaming himself for being stupid. Along the way he feels different and left out. From New York City to Quebec, Canada to Detroit. All feeling the same: scared and unwanted, and hopefully no more fixes with Happy the Dragon or Festus.
I infer that with no mortal parents; Leo has a hard time. He's scared because he has no place right for him. Camp Half-Blood doesn't seem right for him, though. But after the Cyclopes attack and revealing fire powers; it finally feels right.
Book: Where The Red Fern Grows
Main Character: Billy Colman
One tension in my book is when Billy Colman hears a lion. He is in a cave with his puppies that he just got from a 36 mile journey, so he doesn't want the puppies to get hurt. He makes a fire, because his dad told him that lions are really scared of fire.
I infer that andy really wanted dogs, and that he would do anything to help them. You can also infer that he was really tired because he is sleeping in a cave with his dogs. He is probably really brave too.
Another tension in my book is when Billy is working for two years. He is working for $50 so he can buy two hound dogs. Will he get the hound dogs, will he lose the money will he urn enough money.
I infer that Billy is very tired from working for two whole years non-stop. I also infer that Billy wont give up to get the dogs. he is also VERY hardworking, and probably always counting his money to see if he has enough.
Book: Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception
Main Character: Sammy Keyes
One tension in my Sammy Keyes #8 is when Sammy's Grandmother (Grams) and Sammy's friend Hudson are in a fight because a few minutes ago Hudson was flirting with an artist named Diane Rijden and Grams did not like that at all, because she and Hudson like each other a lot!
I infer that Sammy is really feeling awkward, because she is trying to fix things with Grams and Hudson but they are shouting very loudly. She know that they need to make up, but they don't think that at all. As she just makes things worse, because what she says makes Hudson like Diane even more!! She hates seeing the ones she loves so hurt and mad at each other, so she is still trying to get them back together. The problem is Hudson likes Diane and Diane likes Hudson, Grams likes Hudson, too! Is Huudson brain washed or does he really love Diane?
Main Character:Cathrine
A tension in RULES is when Cathrine is in the waiting room of the clinic drawing a picture of the boy close by who can't speak. The mother of the boy sees Cathrine and gets mad. The whole room was quiet.
I infer that Cathrine feels embarrassed, but feels bad for the boy and wants him to get the guitar he had wanted from the garage sale earlier that day.
Book: Wayside School is Falling Down
Main Character: Mrs.Jewls
One tension in Wayside School is Falling Down is when Mrs.Jewls dosn't call on Mac, but then she has to call on him. She never likes calling on him, she always gets so mad and annoyed when she does.
I infer that Mac always does somthing that bugs her when she calls on him. Mrs.Jewls knows she has to call on him and be polite. When he ever does get to speak there is things that he talks about to make her mad or annoyed.
Another tension is when Mrs.Jewls finds a dead rat in her desk, and gets shocked, she screams, and gets scared.
I infer that she is mad and angry, and wants it out of her classroom. Someone in the class is going to get in trouble. All the kids think its funny,and kind of start to giggle.
Book: Satch and Me
Main Character: Joe Stoshack
One tension is that Flip (Joe's baseball coach) is nervous that Joe will not bring the radar gun back in time. Flip borrowed a radar gun from the High School baseball coach. Flip used it to see how fast his players could pitch. Then, Joe asked Flip if he could borrow the gun and go back in time to see who was the fastest pitcher. Flip said, "I love that idea, but the radar gun is not mine and I promised I would return the gun back right after I was finished using it. Those things cost a ton of money."
I infer that Joe will convince Flip that it's a good idea, and Flip will let Joe use the gun.
Book: The Lost Hero
Main Characters: I chose Jason and Piper
One tension in my book is the fact that, at the beginning of the book, Jason has no idea who or where he his. He has a girlfriend he's never seen before, and a best friend, too.
I infer that Jason is worried and confused. He is worried that he'll never figure out anything from his past, and he is confused about everything: how did he loose his memories, who are Piper and Leo, what are "demigods", and how is he going to get his memory back?
Another tension is Piper's. She wants her boyfriend back, but Jason is acting like he's never seen her.
I infer that Piper is worried for Jason. She wants to help him with whatever he's going through, but she doesn't know how. She's afraid that he'll never be her boyfriend again and she's lost him forever.
Book: Can you Get an F in Lunch
Main Character: Jenny
One tension in Can You Get An F In Lunch is when Jenny walks into her new high school to start her new, and hopefully exciting year in 6th grade. She sees her best friend Addy dressed differently, wearing a lot of makeup, and hanging out with a bunch of 8th graders. Something was going on. Jenny hadn’t seen Addy all summer because Jenny had been at five-week camp and when Jenny came back from camp, Addy went to the beach. When Addy saw Jenny, she looked at her and started talking to the 8th graders again. Jenny was confused. They had always been best friends. Jenny tapped Addy on the shoulder and Addy said “NOT NOW!!!.” Addy had just ruined her day.
I infer that Jenny will try to be more like Addy wearing cool cloths and putting on makeup, but then Addy and the 8th graders will make fun of Jenny. Addy will feel bad for what she did to Jenny and stand up for her. The 8th graders probably won’t want to be friends with Addy any more. I don’t think that Addy will care if the 8th graders don’t like her anymore.
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