Wednesday, September 1, 2010

If It's Broke, Fix It!


I have enjoyed getting to know all of you as readers over the past few weeks and have especially enjoyed hearing your thoughts about books. It is always so interesting to know how readers connect to the text, and where their minds take them when they read.

The other day, a student told me he had abandoned a book because he did not understand it. Truthfully, this happens to all readers at some point, especially when we do not select books that are just right for us. However, in this student's case, he had been enjoying the book, and read most of it with ease. His breakdown in understanding (comprehension) only occurred at a particular part in the book, not the entire book. Readers, when this happens, we use our Fix-Up Strategies to "fix" our comprehension when it breaks down.

Before we begin this unit of study on Fix-Up Strategies in Reading Workshop, I am curious what strategies you already use to fix comprehension. What do you do when you do not understand a part of a book? How do you know when your understanding is broken and how do you try to fix it?


Reed Kress said...

When I come to a difficult spot in a book I ask my Mom, Dad, teacher or another student what the problem means to them.

Reed Kress

FW said...

I did what that boy did, I abandond a book.

TT said...

When I don"t understand part of the book I reread the whole page.I know I don"t understand because I am not having a movie in my mind.

GW said...

I reread it and check if I understood it the part

CT said...

What i do when i don't know if a book is good for me our not is I use the five finger test. You use it by reading a page and put up a finger when you don't know a word if you have 5 or 4 fingers up at the end that means that book is to hard. If you have no fingers up than it's to easy.

AS said...

When I do not understand part of a book I read it many times until I understand it.

MK said...

When I do not understand part of a book I usually reread it one or two times, then I skip it most of the time, but sometimes I ask. I know when my understanding is broken when a part of a book just doesn't click in my head so most of the time I reread it. I have to say normally after I reread it I just skip it, but I should ask someone so my vocabulary might improve and I have a better chance of knowing it next time.

EH said...

I reread the part, and if i still don't know I ask a friend, teacher, or my parents.

CB said...

If i do not understand a book i do the 5 finger test. Thats what!

CS said...

If a book is to boring or to hard I look at it then I put it back. When I don't understand a word I skip over it or I ask. It's different for a phrase or sentence. I read until i get it! But if I don't understand I skip it.

MH said...

If I don't understand the book I reread the book. If I still don't understand after reading it a few times I drop the book and instantly get another one of the books I have on my books to read list.

IM said...

I reread the sentence over again until I get it right.

NS said...

When i come to a difficult place in a book i usually go to my mom or dad and ask them if they can help me with it.if it is too hard i just abandon the book.

IM said...

If I am having a problem understanding what I am reading I willI reread the sentence again until I understand it.

ACA said...

When I do not understand a part of a book, I reread that part a few times. If I still don't understand it I ask my Mom or Dad what it means, read the page over, or I just skip that part of the book.

NS said...

I try to fix my understanding by rereading it and trying to comprehend the page. I know when my understanding is broken when i can't comprehend the page or when i do the five finger test and i get more than 3 fingers up.Thats how i know when my understanding is broken.

hg said...

When I come to a part of a book I do not understand I re-read it or I ask someone to help me understand that part. If I still don't understand it I just put that book down.
I know when my understanding is broken when I can't visualize the story in my mind. I try and fix it by re-reading it or I have to put the book down.

JD said...

when i have a book and there is maybe one part i dont understand about it i am not afraid to share it with my mom or dad and they help me and tell me what it means now i can enjoy my book again!!!

JD said...

if i dont understand a part in a book dont be afraid to share it with your parents they will help you through it abd they will explain it to you and they you can continue with the book!!!!

JTJ said...

I reread the page and then sometimes I ask a friend or a teacher for help.

MW said...

When I don't understand a part of a book, I re-read the part of the book that I don't understand. My understanding is broken when I loose my concentration or a part of the book gets confusing. I try to fix it by re-reading or taking a break and then going back to the book.

McLean Whitson

AL said...

I agree with Reed, if you can't ask for some help.

BM said...

I reread the sentence and then I will probably know what the word is.

GM said...

When Im at a difficult spot in a book. I have my I touch next to me with a dictionary on it. So each time I have trouble i type in the word and it shows up!

wc said...

When I cannot figure out a word I ask a parent.

ACA said...

I know when my understanding is broken when I haven't been understanding what the last couple of pages have been saying.

Anonymous said...

When I see a word really hard I struggle a little with my dad and moms or the teacher then I figure it out

PL said...

When I see a word really hard, I struggle a little, then when I still don't know it I ask my dad and moms or the teacher. I figure it out if they no it.

LT said...

When I don't understand a book I go back a couple of pages and think about those pages and what happened.

megan obrien said...

when i dont understand a book i go and get another book.

megan obrien said...

when i know when it is broken i try to sound it out over and over again until i get it right and that is how. THANK YOU